Are you stuck in inaction mode? Paralyzed by over-analyzing everything you read on the internet?

Looking for someone to make the process simple? Guide you step by step so you can get of the hamster wheel & make magic happen?

Confused because by the 100s of freebies you've downloaded? Not sure how they all fit in the puzzle?

Let’s face it, it can sometimes get overwhelming & frustrating doing it all by yourself. You need help, accountability guidance & sometimes just a little nudge to take you from point A (where you are) to point B (launching / re-branding your boutique).

Starting a boutique can be fun but what happens when the excitement of the business starts to burn out and you lose track of your direction?

When you still in pre-launch mode & the doubts start to creep in?

This is where the tools & resources help you streamline your process so you can
put your focus back & achieve your goal.

I’m sharing the tools I used to kick start my boutique so you can
take your feet off the breaks & go full on in launch-mode!

Are you ready to start your Online Boutique?

Here’s what happens when you join in -

  • You’ll be redirected to the Welcome Page where you can snag the Boutique Launch Checklist & also join the Facebook Group where the challenge was held.

  • Every day of the challenge, you’ll get a lesson along with a worksheet & homework so you can take the step towards your ultimate goal - Launching Your Boutique.

Remember, the babes that’ll do the homework are the one’s that are going to get the results. Regardless of how many challenges you enroll in, if you fail to take action.. . you’ll remain stuck where you are.

Can’t wait to see you on the inside. . .