Social Media Myths Debunked

Turning to social media to grow your business is non-negotiable in today's time. With so many options (in terms of the platform) & so many potential customers to attract, having an intentional social media strategy is a must.

But is your social media marketing strategy reallly helping you grow?

Let's look at some Social Media Myths & Debunk them —

Myth #1 — You must be on every social media platform.

Trying to be on every social media platform (new & old) is not only exhausting but also waste or time & resources.

Can you do it? Yes!

But the actual question to ask is.. is it worth it? No!

As boutique owners, I understand the urge to be on every platform, you never know where the sale comes from.... but that's a wrong mindset to work with.

I know a lot of social media experts also talk about being everywhere but I personally feel that if you are running a one (wo)man show it's not something you want to be focusing one.

TRUTH - You ONLY need to be where your CUSTOMER hangs out.

When considering what social media platform to use. . . ask yourself - Where does my ideal customer hand out?

.. . and based on the answer, start SHOWING up there.

If you are NOT sure, go back to identifying WHO your tribe is.

I talk more about finding your tribe in my training below -


Myth # 2 - The only way to make sale with social media is to share your products.

The number one mistake I often see #boutiquebabes make on their social media platforms is using the platform to ONLY share their products.

They only focus on creating posts that are focused around products & promotions.. which is very exhausting!

Truth is - Social Media is a place to socialize, build connection & trust.

The content you post should add value to your tribe & entice them to engage & interact with you. Ask questions so they can SHARE their opinions.

In between that you can recommend your products too but not in a salesy-talking-everyday-about-it-icky way.

Myth #3 - You Have To Post Multiple Times A Day

This is one of the most widespread social media myth.

I often get asked by people how many times do I post or should they be posting on social media??

Truth - Even though I've heard experts say more posts means more value, personally I feel —

+ It's more about QUALITY posts instead of QUANTITY posts.

+ Money is in consistency.

Posting consistently on Social Media is bound to give you MORE results than going on a posting spree for a week & then going quiet for next few weeks because you exhausted your ideas OR feel disheartened that no-one interacted with you.

Maintaing consistency is easier said than done when you NOT sure what to post; so for extra help & resources, check out the Content & Promo Guide.

Here's what Nisha has to say about the guide:

The Content & Promo Guide is sooo easy to navigate through and literally give you examples that you would be able to add a twist to and use yourself for whatever business adventure you may have. I truly recommend using the guide, if you are one like myself, that overthink everything and short hand yourself by not going deep enough.

You can learn more about the Content & Promo Guide and grab your copy here — Content & Promo Guide

Myth #4 - Social Media Can Replace Blogs & Website

Focusing JUST on social media to grow your boutique is very rare. The sad reality is that like you, many other boutique owners are trying to do the same which makes the platforms saturated & highly competitive.

The life span of posts have not only gone down so has the attention span of your tribe. Did you know a post ranges from 18 minutes on Twitter to 30 minutes on Facebook to 19 hours on Instagram??!

Image putting alll your effort in for just that!

Truth - Social Media is for connecting with existing customers. The real money is in BLOGs & content marketing.

Blogs help you build SEO, keep your website fresh & can be re-purposes into social media content giving you a better strategy to work with.

It's important to understand that posting on social media has to be intentional if you really want to see better results.

Your goal shouldn't be to increase "likes" or "followers" on your platforms; instead it should focus on engaging with your tribe & providing consistent value. The value you provide builds trusts & connections & helps you get more sales in your boutique.

I'm curious to know -- What did you find most helpful in the post? Did it debunk any myths for you?


Content Strategy to Double Your Boutique Traffic


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