3 Reasons You’re NOT Making Money With Your Boutique

People love your products; your friends tell you how incredible your boutique looks; you have 100s of views every day yet. . NO sales!

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Today I want to share why you may not be making money with your boutique despite posting on social media every.single.day!

3 reasons you’re NOT making money with your boutique —

  1. You are NOT clear on what problem you solving through your products — Each product or boutique solves a problem for their customers. If you don’t know what that problem is, you’ll find it hard to sell the product to your tribe.

    Resources : Check out the training on What Problem Does Your Boutique Solve?

  2. You are too focused on what you don’t have than what you do — Stopping yourself from posting on social media or promoting your biz because you don’t have 100s of products is BS. You have what people need. SCREAM about it from the top of the rooftop. What you have in this moment is perfect. Find creative ways to show off your products & get your tribe excited about it.

  3. You are NOT planning ahead — If you are waking up everyday wondering what to do today or what income generating activity to do.. you’ll be drained & getting nowhere. This brings me back to point 1 - get clear on what problem you solve & 2 - never stop talking about it.

Resources : Click here to check out the training on planning & creating content.

Think like your customer & get fucking clear!


What to do before launching your Online Boutique?


Ultimate Guide to Re-Building Your Online Boutique