Business Strategies by Gary Vee

Last week I went to watch Gary Vee Live in Melbourne! It was such an incredible experience to listen to him, learn new things & most importantly just feel his vibe and energy.

Here are some of my key getaways from the seminar aka Business Strategies by Gary Vee

+ Content is the key

Regardless of what your business is, content is key. There are 1000s of channels out there that will help you connect with your audience and deliver content in different ways from videos to audio & text! Focus on creating 1 big piece of content - a video - that you can then re-use for other channels.

  • Example -

  • Break the video down into smaller videos for teasers, IG TV, Snapchat & Facebook.

  • Turn it into audio for Podcast

  • Use the text in video & convert into a blog post, break it into social media posts & use the quotes to create text images for Pinterest or Instagram.

This will help you recycle your content so you don't have to worry about creating new content for every single platform.

+ To win in today's digital platform, you've got to be a "personal brand".

+ Make connections in DM

One of the ways Gary Vee teaches to make connections is by DM'ing anyone you want to work with. Be it an influencer for your Boutique or companies or boutiques you want to showcase your products in. Follow them on social media, learn about their interests & find a common ground to start a conversation.

PS - Don't fake interest in something they link & you don't! People tend to catch the vibes & call on the BS!

+ Give them something of value

If you are sending something a DM you want to work with, leave them with something valuable. It can be an advice on how they can improve _______ (insert your specialty), free gift or PDF or anything that would add value. Kindness goes a long way.

Lastly - "If the voice in your head says you suck, it's because somebody else has put it there". Don't listen to what others have to say.

What do you think? What's that one advice from #GaryVee that changed your life? Share in the comments below!

PS - If you wondering how to create content or re-purpose what you already have, check out my training with my bizbestie Bri Long inside Babe Cave.

PS - You’ve got to be a member to access the training! Join here!


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