Is Starting A Boutique Right For Me?

Let's talk about who should start a Boutique and who shouldn't. So you know if starting an Online Boutique is right for you or not!

We've been talking so much about starting an Online Boutique, the right platform, the products and more but never really touched base with if starting an Online Boutique right for you or not?

Whether you are starting a side-gig or passionate about something, there's no denying that now is the best time to start an Online Business and do your thing.

In today's era of technology, you don't need investors or even a space to run an Online Boutique; it can be started in as little as an idea + facebook page or group.

I've seen so many people take an idea or a passion and creating something out of nothing all the time.

Here's an example of what I saw -

A friend living in the UK is a die-hard tea lover but couldn't get what she was really looking for, so she ended up creating her own blend and now sells them on Amazon under the brand Happy Me Tea.

Or a mom-to-be starts making handmade jewelry in her spare time while being on maternity leave converts her passion into a paycheck by selling her jewelry online so she doesn't have to go back to work and can also make money on the side to support her family.

So if you wondering "Can I start an Online Business?" then the answer is YES!

Is Starting A Boutique Right For Me? That’s what you’ve got to think about!

Just because everyone else is starting an Online Boutique, should you too?

 Let’s talk about who should start a boutique and who shouldn’t. That way, you’ll have a better idea if starting an Online Boutique is the right thing for you.

+ Do you want to help people? Have an idea that will make someone's life easy?

Starting an Online Boutique will require you to work with people - online & offline so if you not up for the challenge then it's not the best idea for you. However, if it's something you love and passionate about then you are on the right track. Bonus points, if you know how you are going to help.

+ Are you willing to work hard?

You don't need a business degree, all the answers or money to build a successful Online Boutique - but you surely need determination and guts. I'm not going to sugar coat this baby doll! Starting a side gig or a full-time Boutique won't be a cakewalk BUT I can promise you, if you willing to walk, I'll be there by your side.

You have the dream to get started but if you are scared and not 'ready' then no matter how many blogs you read, freebies you download or courses you take you never will be. Ready is a myth. The sooner you understand and work despite having all your ducks in the row, the sooner you'll be able to achieve what you are passionate about.

So, if the answer to the above questions is YES, then you are ready to get started!

I Want to Start an Online Boutique, but I Don’t Know What to Do

I know you want to help people and work hard.

I know you’re even willing to do it before you feel ready.

But what’s next?

Whether you’ve got lots of ideas circling in your head and you don’t know which one to choose, or if you’re simply having trouble thinking of ideas, I'm here to help you!

I've teamed up with #trendsetter founder + Brand Strategist Bri Long to bring you the

5-Day Boutique Launch Challenge!


When you join the challenge you’ll get access to 5 trainings, and walk through the 5 first steps to launching (or up-leveling) your online boutique!

Online boutique not really your thing?! That’s totally okay!

The 5 steps we will be covering + next-level secrets we will be sharing this week are true no matter what type of online business you have!

We’re here to help you get more clarity on how to kickstart your journey along with the actionable plan and how you can use it to your advantage!

Just click here to sign up for the FREE 5-day challenge!

Our passion is empowering other babes just like you —so we keep it quick + to the point actionable with the content your craving and tools you need!


How To Uplevel Your Customer Satisfaction Game?


#Confession of A Boutique Bossbabe