How to start a Part Time Business?

Lately, a lot of people have been talking about Side Gigs, Passive Income, and Part-time business.

Opportunities like network marketing, e-commerce, coaching, biz strategies to name a few.

But isn't it confusing now that we have so many options to choose from?

Do you have something you passionate about and would love to convert that into your business? Is there something you would want to start part-time but don’t know where to begin? You are in the right spot!


How to start a Part Time Business?

You can start a part-time business while still doing your day job, to either increase your finances or just to follow your passion. A good business opportunity can take you a long way if you do it right.

I'm sure you wondering you are barely dragging your feet at your job, how are you supposed to start a part-time business? Or maybe start small with the aim to grow it into a full-time business? Well, sweetheart, you don't have to look any further. The best way to start something new is to look at yourself, look for what you passionate about, what excites you and work around it.

Are you good at designing or perhaps branding, or maybe writing? There are heaps of things out there, you just have to know what you love and get started.

Here are some ideas that would help you start your own part-time business –

+ Open an Online Boutique - This is undoubtedly one of my favorite businesses to get started with. If you have a niche or product you are in love with or you are good at creating products (physical or digital), you can turn your passion into a business. You can sell products on your own online website or you use online platforms like eBay, Amazon, Etsy, Shopify etc. to get started. You can also snag my Online Boutique Checklist to get started and cut through the overwhelm.

+ Freelancing - Millions of people today are doing professional freelancing because they love the freedom it offers. Even though I'm not a fan of the word "laptop lifestyle", it's been a popular term on the internet now-a-days. There's a high demand for skills like - marketing, branding, business or life coach, social media management, SEO etc. If you a newbie you can start on websites like Upwork, Freelancer, Elance, Craigslist etc. build up your portfolio and get a clear picture of your target audience and the people you'd like to work with or if you wish to start on your own, you can create your own website with your portfolio to attract your target audience. Add social media marketing to it and you are all set.

+ Online Teaching - A lot of people today are looking for online coaches to start, grown or expand their businesses. If you possess a skill set that would be helpful to people, why not start your own online teaching program? You can create your own website on, it's easy and quick or you can use teaching platforms like Udemy, Teachable and more to reach the people who are looking for you. Online teaching business would not only help you master your own skills but also in growing and scaling your course.

These are just a few options to consider when starting a part-time gig. You can turn anything and everything you want into a business with just a little creativity and research.

But remember, if you really keen on starting something, TAKE ACTION. Find out what you good at, where your target audience is and get started. Connect with like-minded people, working in the same industry or people that inspire you. There's always a way!

Every problem has a solution, you just have to be creative enough to find it.


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Breathe. Step Back. Analyse. React